This blog is pretty much the "insight" to my life!!! "Green Orange" is my title because a green orange undergoes some changes before it turns into the color orange-this symbolizes Life. So, just sit back and read into my heart!
So, JUNIOR YEAR is officially done for me!!!! I am absolutely thrilled about this! And not just because I'm going to be a Senior next year, but also because I made it this past year! As you know, I HATE science with a passion! So, having Physics this past year was a real challenge for me! I loved my teacher, Mr. Sheoran....even though I barely understood what the heck he was talking about! Heck, my whole Physics class didn't understand what he was teaching! I made it through with a B as my semester grade! A "B"!!! I'm soo happy! That was the class I was most worried about! I don't even know how I even got that B, but the main thing is that I got it!!!
As far as my other classes, I passed with A's and B's!! I'm soo proud of myself! I can now officially say that Junior year was friggin hard! It was the hardest year EVER for me! I went through blood, sweat, tears, stress.....and yet, no grey hair! LOSNL!! I say that because Freshman year, I got my first grey hair....and that year wasn't that stressful for me! Plus, I took YOGA that year! So, how the heck did I get a grey hair from Freshman year and not Junior year?! {sigh} Oh, the body does wondrous things, doesn't it?
Finals for the last week of school was weird for me this past year. I was MOST worried about my Physics final (of course). So, my strategy this time around was to not study as much on Physics and to just relax about it. (For my Physics final 1st semester, I studied my butt off and FAILED the final) Come results time, I had a "D" for my Physics final! But, luckily for me, I had some extra cushion on my grade, with extra-credit and all, so, I'm good! The final I was LEAST worried about was my Band final-which all it is is a sheet of paper asking you to reflect on your last performance of the year! I know, right?! That's the easiest final of all, and that's why I like it! Ahh. It feels soo good to be in Band!
I wonder what Senior year will unfold for me.... I've got soo much to think about: Prom, Graduation, College, etc. I know I'll survive it all with Allah {God} by my side, guiding me along the way! And I'll make sure to tell you ALL about it! Well, Peeps, I got to go! I'll talk to you guys later!
*Remember*~A small house can hold as much happiness as a big one.
Your "Proud" Friend,
Saidah Kamaria Wilson, A.K.A ~Mrs. Samberg~
above highway on the
highway that I was on.Thank you Peeps for spending another year with me and watching me grow. I greatly appreciate it! Hopefully, we'll spend many more years together in the near future!! Take care Peeps and I'll talk to you guys later!! HAPPY 2ND-YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!!!
*Remember*~Praise is the best diet for us, after all.
Your "Growing Up" Friend,
Saidah Kamaria Wilson, A.K.A ~Mrs. Samberg~
The rent is up for the house that I'm living in right now. We're in the process of packing things up. (very slowly, that is!) We have to be out of this house by the end of May-which is perfect timing because that's when me and Dizz get out of school. About a month-to 2 months ago, we were filled with "showings" for this house. A showing is when you let a family schedule in time to come see your house to see if they want dibbs on it next! {chuckle} I hated showings!!! It would always be after school, and that's when I'm busy doing homework and studying! It was awful. But, now the showings have slowed down and now we're looking for a house! There's a house literally 2 doors down that is up for grabs! There's also another house up for grabs....only it's across the street in our development. (We live in a gated community! When I first moved to this house, I thought that people living in this development were rich!) My parents are still deciding on which house to take.
Wow! This house is full of memories that are too strong to just let go. This was the house where I was finally over Bhavin-who is now my ex, but is still my friend. This was the house that I came home to when I was going through that whole "Alex Kalos Phase". (I'll tell you about that later.) {chuckle} This was the house where I had a crush on Gerard Butler, Jamie Kennedy, Taylor Lautner, Josh Hutcherson, Scott Michael Foster, Jackson Hurst, Seth Green, and now Andy Samberg!! {tear} This was the house where I found out that Michael Jackson had passed away. My family had gathered around in the family room and we saw Michael Jackson's tribulation-which was aired WORLDWIDE. This was the house that I got my very first laptop at! This is the house where I've become stronger and have grown up since the first time I came here! This is the house where me and Dizz had watched SNL and have become a big fan of it! This is the house where me and Dizz had listened to our The Lonely Island CD and the Hot Rod soundtrack on FULL BLAST and danced to it in the family room while our parents were at work! This is the house where Dizz and I have become close in our sister-relationship! This house holds soo many memories......
Now that I think about it, I'm really going to miss this house! The good news is that I'm going to be in a new house soon where I can make even MORE memories! It's funny how many memories one contains in one lifetime. Memories of experience, love, life, and most importantly-happiness. I think I'm ready to open up my memory box for this next house! And I'll make sure that you'll be part of the fun!
Well Peeps, I'm trying very hard to make more blog posts for you guys! I've literally been busy with school! Let me tell you, if you're in AP, JUNIOR year is the hardest year of high school! I know because I'm in AP and it's been a hectic year for me!! But, the school year is almost over and I'm friggin excited about it!! Well Peeps, I better go! I'll talk to you guys later!
*Remember*~Before an evening of romance, turn off the cell phone.
Your "Moving Along" Friend,
Saidah Kamaria Wilson, A.K.A ~Mrs. Samberg~