me-next to a mirror. I
really like this picture!
This next picture is of
the sky! I had found it
interesting at the time,
so, I took a picture of it!
above highway on the
highway that I was on.It reminds me of a
While on the road, I saw
a mountain-which, there
are PLENTY here in
Arizona! If you look
closely, you'll see cacti
actually on the mountain!
wow I loved the pics.. so I stumbeled across your blog and it seems interesting, only that I couldn't read some of your posts!!
The ones in Blue font are not suitable with the background colour, u need to make a contrast, light font ,say white on a dark background or vice versa. That would definetly make it easier for people to read your posts :D
Cheers, Mika
Thank u soo much for stopping by!! I greatly appreciate it and I'm glad u like it!!
I am definatly going to change this font color soon! Sorry about that!!
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