Saturday, 26 July 2008

My Feelings. My Heart. My Love.....Ben Barnes!!!!

What Up Peeps!!!

As each day is going past, I have noticed that my feelings toward BEN BARNES has escalated toward the roof!!! No, Peeps!!! I am serious!!! For some reason, I find myself categorized as Obsessed with Ben Barnes!!! But, I know I'm not!!! Right, Peeps?! I mean, it's hard being a teenager and not controlling your feelings!!! You know, not KNOWING what your feeling!!! I guess what I'm trying to say is: Being a teenager is probably the most confusing time in Anyone's life!!! Am I at least right about that Peeps?!

Well, as I was saying about Ben Barnes!!! It's weird, you know?! Every time I SEE Ben Barnes, my heart melts!!! Every time I THINK about Ben Barnes, I get all giddy inside!!! Every time I HEAR the name Ben, I jump up....immediately thinking that someone was talking about the topic of Ben Barnes!!! I mean, hear me out Peeps! Is it just me, or do I sound Obsessive!!!? Just this past week, I had begged my mom to help me order a poster of Prince Caspian online!!! (I couldn't find it in Wal-Mart, nor Best Buy, and Barnes and Noble!!!) And I like to happily say that she had finally ordered the poster for me on Thursday!!! So, I should be getting the poster within about a week!!! (Yay!!!) And while I was at Wal-Mart, I found the BOOK:The Chronicles of Narnia:Prince Caspian!!! So, you KNOW I just had to get it!!!! (It had some pictures of some scenes in the movie!) And, just about a month ago, I had BOUGHT THE SOUNDTRACK TO:The Chronicles of Narnia:Prince Caspian!!!

Over a couple of days ago, I had made a PLAN to buy EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that had to deal with Ben Barnes!!!! And, I am going to be WATCHING every movie Ben Barnes is going to be in!!! Like the movie: Easy Virtue!!! (which is coming out in November) And the movie: The Picture of Dorian Gray (which is coming out real soon) I guess what you can say is: I am One of Ben Barnes BIGGEST FANS!!! I am a BEN-FANATIC!!!! I LOVE BEN BARNES!!! There, I said it!!! I LOVE Ben Barnes!!!! This is NOOO Kindergarten Crush I have for Ben Barnes!!! What-So-Ever!!!! This is Serious!!! This is Mad-Love I have for Ben Barnes!!!! And I wish and pray to Allah [God] that I get a chance to MEET Ben Barnes!!! And even have his autograph!!!! *Sigh* That would be a blessing!!! Even though I'm not OLD ENOUGH to even as soo much to date Ben Barnes, I do wish that I can meet him face-to-face!!! Even that would just satisfy me enough!!!

Well Peeps, I gotta go eat some breakfast now!!! I'll talk to you guys later!!!
*Remember*~Assert yourself, your ideas are worthwhile.

Your "In-Love" Friend,
Saidah Kamaria Wilson A.K.A Princess Caspian