Sunday, 21 August 2011


What Up Peeps!!!

So, I do remember discussing with you my decision on whether or not to get a Tumblr. Well, over the course of this summer, I decided to get one!

Tumblr is amazing!!! I have met some great people on there that share the common interests that I have!! Such interests are The Lonely Island, Andy Samberg, Saturday Night Live, and so forth! Don't worry, I haven't abandoned you at all! I still update this blog once every two, I'm still here!

Of course, you can follow me on Tumblr......but beware! EVERYTHING that I post up on Tumblr IS about Andy Samberg! I will have my Tumblr link up for you guys to look at on the right side of this blog after I finish writing this post! So that way you guys can check up on how my Andy craze has been!!

Well, Peeps, I hope you guys have a nice night! I'll talk to you guys later!!

Your "Tumblr Crazed" Friend,
Saidah Kamaria Wilson, A.K.A ~OFFICIAL Mrs. Samberg~