What Up Peeps!!!!
Yes!! The title is true!!! Believe it or not, me, Saidah Kamaria Wilson, has a boyfriend!!! Just saying this title makes me all giddy inside!!! The curse is OVER!!! A guy actually likes me!!! Now that he is my boyfriend, I can now tell you that his name is Andrew Craven!!! The ONLY class Andrew and I are in is in Band/Marching Band class!!! I still can't get over the fact that a guy would even be interested in me!!! But, to my best ability, I try not to question a miracle-just to live it!!! Once Monday had came, Andrew was, like, all excited!! I wasn't. I was strictly nervous and scared because I thought that I would get rejected, once more!!!
When I was in the Band room, come Monday, I was shaking-literally! Andrew was as calm as a bumble bee. But, as I was getting ready for class, I heard him say to someone, "Yeah. When I showed my friend the note, he noticed all of the exclamation marks too!" (or, something like that) "Oh my God!! Is he talking about the note I gave him?! Yeah...it's definitely a 'No'!"-I thought to myself. And then, all of the sudden, Kelsey came up to me and said that she's having a bad day. Andrew jumped in and said that other than him having a stomachache, he's having a great day! Kelsey was confused and said, "Why would you have a good day if you have a stomachache?!" Then, Andrew said proudly,"Because I said 'Yes'!" I stopped what I was doing and my eyes grew big and wide!!! "I said yes to the note!!"-he continued!! At that very moment, I felt everything had changed! "He said yes to the note!! He likes me!!!"-I thought to myself.
Andrew had then pulled out the note I had given him on Friday and said, "Do you know how many times I had to read this just to know that it was real?!" (yeah...he kept the note in his pocket!!! When I saw and noticed this, I had realized that he really does like me back!!) "About 3 times!! You know, you had put down 19 exclamation marks on this note?! It was like hearing a person on caffeine!!" I just sat there, in complete shock and paralyzed!! So, then Andrew had faced me and had said, "So, how should we do this?!" All of the sudden, I had realized that this was real!! I had then told him that I'm new to this!! Luckily for me, he is too!! He had said that he's NEVER received a note before stating this!! I had nodded my head realizing that pretty much every guy that I've given notes to, had said somewhat the same thing!!
So, we sat there for a while thinking. I must admit, it was VERY AWKWARD!!! But, I kind of liked it!! So, in the end, we had decided to contact each other through MySpace. (EVERYONE in the ENTIRE world either has MySpace and/or Facebook now-a-days!!!) So, far, it's been great!!! And, between you and me, Peeps, EVERYDAY, right before second hour ends, I always get butterflies in my stomach for next period-Band.
OMB! I just can not believe I have a boyfriend. I LOVE that word: Boyfriend!! LOL!! So, Peeps, you're going to be hearing a lot about Andrew now!!! But, this is a great chance for you two to get to know each other!! I'm just thankful and happy for this miracle. I'd never think that a guy would actually like me back. I remember my First High School Crush, A.K.A Alex Bradley say to me, "Saidah, why do you like the guys that you know you can't have?!" Ha! I wish I could see his face now if I told him that I have a boyfriend!! Then he'll feel sorry for even making that comment!! Anyways, I'm really happy that I gave Andrew the note!!! *Thank you Chirag and Kelsey for convincing and making me give the note to Andrew!!! I couldn't have done it without you!!!*
Well, Peeps, there's always more from me!! Until then, I'll talk to you guys next week!!
*Remember*~Don't question a miracle-just live it.
Your "Lucky and Loved" Friend,
Saidah Kamaria Wilson, A.K.A Princess Caspian
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